Saturday, March 22, 2008

Gujrat`s success story

I usually look for some informative news in and i get most the updated news, i mean it news -- not the comedy and stupid things we get now a days in Indian news chanels,

and here is one gugrat`s syccess story

all-gujarat-villages-now-connected-to-Broadband connection

may be people remember Narendra Modi as a visionary more than a politician, and forget the rites and think about developement.


Happy Holi !!!!

Happy Holli !!

To all Indian and all the Holi celebrating person, may the god give them lot of happyness and care.

Actually when i was celebrating holi, i felt i am not at my hometown or better say Home State, I am from India and live in Pune (MH) basically from MadyaPradesh.
Here they do not celebrate holi, only few enthusiastic.

This may be because Every Indian is Hindu, Muslim, Sikhha, Christian but not Indian
This may be because Every Indian is North indian , south Indian, Maharashtian but not Indian.
This may be because Every Indian is a General, obc, st/sc but not an India

and this all because of our politicians ...., they are shucking our blood , they are dividing and Ruling us. and divides us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

any ways this is half story and half story is
1. Maharastian celebrates Holika-Dahan, in the same way and at the same time North Indian celebrates.
2. They Celebrates RangPanchami (Similar to Holi) but is after few days in the same month.

Thanks and once again Happy Holi to all the Holi hearts.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

World`s 3rd and 4th most poluted cities are in India

I just shocked, when i come to know India houses world`s 2 most polluted cities
these are Vapi in Gujrat 4th Rank
and Sukinda in Orissa 3rd Rank

here is location details

What is conclustion : We have to ask people and government to look into the matter seriously, otherwise surrounding areas mey get affected.

Thanks for your precious time...
Pradeep Tiwari